Empowering Veterans & Families During Discharge & Transitions

National Military Empowerment Organization

“First of its kind- Let’s redefine how veterans reintegrate”

Providing mental health and social support to veterans during military discharge

We are determined to help End VETERAN SUICIDE! Yes, we said it! Is it ambitious? Of course it is, but our veterans deserve more and N.M.E.O. is redefining the way we look at veteran reintegration. The veterans inability to reintegrate into the civilian life is one of the most significant factors associated with depression and veteran suicidality.

We are here to stay and start a new Trauma Informed Care approach to treat our veterans and their family’s overall wellness through this three phase process. We are also happy to introduce the first ever Free Veteran’s United Support Group (©2022). Want to join or learn more about our Veteran’s United Support Group? Submit a contact form below.

Our Contribution

Reintegration Training Program

(Virtual Classes Available)

The veteran reintegration program is designed to help facilitate the transitioning from military to civilian world. It will cover many topics related to the most common challenges soldiers face upon discharge.

It provides support and educational tools to facilitate the transition of the family members as well. The mission is to fill The Gap between military discharge and transitions and explore healthy ways to repurpose those skills and empower our veterans.

Building A Community Through Workshops

These fun, interactive and educational workshops offer a fast growing network of veterans. These immersive workshops will be offered at different locations that promote the needs and skills of the soldier’s identity. This is a great opportunity to connect with other veterans and develop a supportive network of comradery that helps recreate the military experience.

Mental Health Support

Our innovative approach to individual, family, and group mental health support is available to continue processing negative symptoms and daily frustrations in a safe environment. The mental health support offers various evidence based approaches of support such as PTSD treatment, Resiliency Techniques, Cognitive Processing Skills, and Meditative approaches. Service dogs are welcomed!